After one work trip to Hong Kong, the stitching near one of the handles had come undone so I sent my Beantown Charlie for repair.
The plan last night was to go collect my bag.

Cost? Zero. Repair is FOC for the first six months.
Alas, the plan went awry.

The 30% sale was not over and I left the store with 2 bags.
One contained Charlie of course but the other?

Hehe. I bought a Paley Paisley Small Natalie. :)

The colours are super cheerful!
It brightens up my bathroom just by sitting on the vanity top.

In the same paper bag as my Natalie was this tiny box.

Yes, it's jewellery.

But what?

Ta-da! I got myself a pair of Double Bow Studs.
Pretty eh? :)