Monday, April 30, 2012


came and went and boy am I glad!

The month saw me busy right from the start. Deadlines were impossible but continued to stream in like nobody's business. At least once a week, I slept at 4 am on a work day. While I know many people who can survive on just a few hours of sleep regularly, I can't. I turn 36 in 2 days time but I still need at least 8 hours of sleep daily. 10 hours if possible!

Thanks to the crazy work schedule, my body took a beating and I fell terribly ill towards the end of April. Even on the 2 days I was on medical leave, I was pushed to produce 2 separate piece of work. No, it's not the cure to cancer but for some inexplicable reason, the papers were important to the people who set me the 24hour turnaround deadline.

The end results? 2 pieces of work produced, 2 trips to the clinic, 3 days of medical leave, 7 types of medicine and 1 pregnancy test.

The last was a shocker. Pregnant?! Are you kidding me? I haven't even the time to  sleep, much less get pregnant. But the good doctor insisted on playing it safe. He thought it was weird that I was feeling so nauseated all the time and got even more worried when he found out that the last menstrual cycle was unusual. I told him it was probably a bad case of flu and gastritis but nope, the doctor was bent on me taking the test.

Of course, I am not pregnant. 

So there goes money down the drain.

But every cloud has a silver lining. J learnt how to cook porridge because the doctor had given strict instructions that I was not to eat oily or spicy food. I know porridge is  not really difficult to cook but considering how he never has to cook it till today, I'd say he did a pretty good job!

Oh and did I mention that I bought a happycall pan for J? He saw the TV ad and decided he'd like to experiment with the pan. I'm happy to eat whatever he cooks with it, as long as I don't have to do any work in the kitchen!