Friday, April 1, 2011

Random thoughts

It's Friday, I'm lazy, bullet points will suffice.
  • I have neglected Lily. My giant ass tote is big enough to carry Lily everywhere but I have left her at home. I blame it on the iPhone app, LemeLeme (previously called LomoLomo). It is too easy to use and I like being surprised by the outcome because I choose to use the random mode. Last Friday I wanted to capture the moments J spent with his best buddies with my iPhone and one of his buddies taunted me. 'Where is your GF1? Your iPhone camera cannot make it lah.' I need to take Lily out more often.

  • Baby videos make me feel stupid. There is one being circulated like wild fire on Facebook right now. It shows a pair of twins in diapers 'talking' to each other. Everybody is posting it. Men, women, married, single, parents, non-parents, youth, elderly... You get the drift. I watched the video carefully. I watched it from beginning to end twice. I didn't get a 'word' the twins were 'saying'. I don't see the point of the video. I can't understand why people said the video is cute. A kitten is cute, a puppy is cute, teddy bears are cute. Damn, I must be dumb.

  • I love the elections. It sends everyone into a frenzy. There is excitement in the air! Suddenly everyone has a voice, everyone takes a stand. If I may borrow Kitty's words (although she strung them differently in a different context), 'It must hurt your ass to sit on the fence for so long.' So yes, one can be as dumb as a door knob like me but one can harangue all he/she wants for this is the season for whining. Speak now or forever hold your peace. ;) Then again, there's always 2016.

  • How often do you charge your iPhone? Previously I charged my Nokia twice a week. Now? My iPhone needs to be charged daily, sometimes even up to three times a day! Ondine thinks I should take it to the shop to get it checked or changed. J simply tells me this: It's not an iPhone, it's a handheld game set to you, of course the battery runs out fast.
    Hmpf. :(

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