and I am stuck at home. I have to finish writing a paper but I rather play around with Picnik and change my Facebook profile picture. :)
I hope we will never fail to be there for each other in the many years to come.
In the end, I did not get a 12-month subscription. It being the last day of the promotion, the promoter willingly gave away the sheep with just a 6-month subscription ($27). Can you say YAY?!?
The driver pointed at the screen. Some operator at Comfort Delgro must not like me much! He/she changed my name to Mr Peter and so while the number is right, the name is so wrong!
Which explains why I have been getting strange looks from cab drivers recently whenever I booked a taxi. One driver called me on the phone while I was in his cab to verify that I was the one who made the booking. Another driver probably figured I'm no Mr Peter and even cancelled the booking fee. Not that I'm complaining!