For a long time I did not have a proper place for my bags and J said I should stop buying them till I have thought of a storage solution. He did not like the sight of my bags and books littering our bedroom floor and frankly I hated it too. But lazy is my middle name and I did not take him too seriously until he issued the ultimatum, 'NO MORE KATE SPADEs until you have proper storage!' Of course that left me quite shaken!
So last night, we went to Ikea to find proper shelving for my bags.
$139 poorer, we found ourselves DIY-ing.

From lugging it up into a maxi cab to assembling the pieces together with our bare hands and one miserable allen key.

After much hard work (that's J) and trying to decide if it looks better lying horizontally or vertically (that's me), we got the cabinet!

Yay! Now I can't wait to fill it up with more bags! :)
It looks good because of the bags! FILL IT UP!
ReplyDeleteI bet he's regretting making that ultimatum now. :)