Sunday, January 9, 2011

First cooked meal of the year!

So I cooked my first meal of the year. Some applause please! You may also want to know that it's the first time I cooked rice. Oh yes, I have lived for more than 3 decades and no, I never had to cook rice before. Muahahah!!!

So what did I cook? It's rice with Chinese sausages (J likes it, I don't), mushrooms (I love it, J doesn't care for it) and luncheon meat (our favourite!) all mixed in a pot. All I used was sesame oil, light soya sauce and garlic. I figure the next time I cook this, I'll add ginger too and maybe even chicken. Oh yes, there will be a next time because J likes this simple dish. Yay for me, the lazy and untalented cook! :)


  1. *clap clap clap* Not sure if u alr do this - use chicken stock to cook the rice. It will make it more fragrant. :) U can fry the ingredients with the rice before putting them into the pot too. That will really be yummy!

  2. Really? So I just dump the chicken stock into the wet rice and turn on the cooker is it??

    As for frying the rice and ingredients, er... bit too much work lah. I want to be a good wife but not good to that extent. Muahahah!
