When it appeared to us that the keynote speaker was somewhat rambling, we left for J's paper presentation.
The highlight of the day was a school visit to the HK IEd Jockey Club Primary School. Interestingly, the school is within the compound of the Institute of Education. We found out that the primary school gets the best cut from the teacher training institution. This in turn means the school is quite sought after by parents.
The kids were really cheery, probably because it was the week before the Christmas break. I approached several children to pose for my camera and all of them willingly did so!
Lower primary kids are ever so happy!
Then we met a bunch of primary 6 kids who had drama lessons earlier in the day and hence the face painting.
This chap is made for the camera! He spotted me with my camera standing outside the classroom and waved. Later when I entered the room, he looked at me relentlessly until I pointed the camera at him and he gave me this the 'double victory' pose.
I have taught several batches of Primary 6 children but hell I don't remember my kids being so relaxed with strangers!
The students who led the school tour spoke fluent English although they were most comfortable with Cantonese and used that with their peers and teachers.
This has got to be my favourite picture. Look at the boy's hair! He has grown a tiny 'tail' and best of all he happily goes to school like that.
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