1) People here make a lot of personal calls. If we all had our own offices or rooms, I would not give a hoot about these calls. But. we. don’t. This office is, like many others, has an open concept. All of us (including the boss) are each assigned a cubicle whose partitions are not high. So everything you say or do is heard and viewed by everyone else. I do understand that some people need to check on their elderly parents/parents-in-law who are alone at home and others need to keep an eye on their young school-going children. But couldn’t they use their mobile phones and take the conversations outside? Seriously, do I really need to know that so-and-so’s parent has not eaten at 12 noon or that so-and-so’s son was traumatised because he had not learnt the words for his spelling and got an earful from his teacher? Even more ridiculous are the daily calls to the children’s teachers to check on their children’s well-being in school or to justify their children’s behaviour (usually misbehaviour). Sometimes, teachers really make the worst parents.
2) People love my food. I don’t mean the food I cook (I can’t cook to save my life!) but the food I eat. Whenever I have a meal in the pantry, someone is bound to come scrutinise my food and make one of the following exclamations, “Ooh! That smells so good!”, “Wow! You eat chilli?”, “What’s that you are eating? Nice?” It’s as if they have been deprived of food for eon and whatever I am eating is an oasis.
3) Conversation in the pantry stops immediately whenever I walk near the area. Apparently, people in this office cannot differentiate the sound of my footsteps from that of my boss. It amuses me no end when they find that it’s only me and resume their partying with relief. Actually, it’s terribly insulting for my boss. My shoes cost less than $50 while hers probably cost more than $500!
My cheap navy blue patent heels from Charles and Keith